Bout de Ficelle
Telling the story of a hospitality place.
Client : Commune d'Anderlecht
Bout de Ficelle is a visual storytelling project designed to bring warmth, curiosity, and a sense of belonging to a hospitality space in a popular area of Brussels. This space serves as a safe haven for isolated parents and children who do not attend kindergarten. It offers families a welcoming environment to spend time together, foster bonds, and allow children to play and develop their social skills.

The project began with the creation of a visual window and scenography to guide visitors in the building. The key challenge was to design a visual identity that would resonate with the neighborhood, where many residents do not speak French fluently.

The next step was to design an explanatory flyer and visuals for social networks, that could transcend language barriers. Using minimal text and engaging visuals, the flyer was designed to make every individual feel informed, welcomed, and included.